We provide public education with an American Indian consciousness reflecting historical perspectives, culture and agricultural practices, and spiritual values. We strive to exemplify the American Indian/indigenous peoples’ respect for Mother Earth and all living beings; to be mindful of our role as caretakers for future generations; and to honor our connection to the Earth and Sky and to the Creator. We offer workshops, ceremonies, artifact preservation and other educational signs that connect people to the natural resources of this land.
Indigenous Roots Forever
The Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust (MA-RI), Global Village Farms/Global Village at Tuck Away Farms (MA), World Farmers/Flat Mentors Farm, and Somali Bantu Community Association (ME) and community organizations throughout the region, shared experiences and information regarding indigenous land stewardship at the Virtual NOFA Summer Conference July 30 – August 6, 2021.

Stories of Sovereignty
Saturday July 31, 2:00-3:30pm
In this session, we will introduce you to the Eastern Woodlands peoples’ historical timeline from before colonization to the present day. We will travel through history to visit the past, present and future through the lens of the indigenous communities of the Northeast. Join us for a story-telling session that explains the significance of this history for understanding contemporary indigenous and tribal identity in greater New England.
Cultural and Spiritual Connections to Conservation
Sunday August 1, 2:00-3:30pm
What is the spiritual connection to Mother Earth and what is our spiritual vision for conservation? The conversation begins around the disconnections of our souls, our bodies and Pachamama-Ina-Mother Earth-Akna and will help you understand the North American indigenous peoples’ (Central America; South America; Pan-African) approach to modern day conservation efforts.
Skills Sharing (An Indigenous Approach to Garden Planting)
Monday August 2, 7:00-8:30pm
Connecting ourselves to ancestry and culture resources on where to find native plants and how to plant a garden. Some questions to be addressed: What plants are we planting to eat, to use as fiber and art, and what are we planting with the intention to give back with support for pollinators and birds? We will also touch upon practices in community building, seed savings, and root remembering.
Building Capacity through Organizing and Partnerships
Tuesday August 3, 7:00-8:30pm
Join us for a conversation about building regional partnerships. We will discuss where to find information from USDA-NRCS and illuminate the deadlines and resources available for program support for indigenous education and conservation efforts.
Seeds of Transformation
Thursday August 5, 7:00-8:30pm
A conversation about the future of farming, food justice, conservation, and sovereignty with youth volunteers of Global Village, Our Core and Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust.