May 24th: Join Us for The Conway School Spring Project Presentations

Please join us for a day (or an hour) on Friday, May 24, starting at 9 am to hear about the large-scale design projects our Class of 2024 is working on. As usual, we’ve invited an excellent panel of reviewers to provide feedback: Jesse Bellemare, Jonathan Fogelson, and Genevieve Lawlor ’11.

Registration is required, and the event will be held on Zoom. You can pop in and out as your time allows and provide comments on the projects live!

Spring 2024 projects include:

  • Climate Resilience Project, D.W. Field Park, Avon, MA
  • Charlemont Fairgrounds Redesign, Charlemont, MA
  • A Revitalized Home Base for the Greenagers, April Hill, South Egremont, MA
  • Main Street Bridge Climate Resilience Project, Hampden, MA
  • The Harmonium Botanical Sanctuary and Retreat Center, Conway, MA
  • The Nolumbeka Project, Greenfield, MA
  • Rural Food Forest at Double Edge Theatre, Ashfield, MA
  • Urban Food Forest at the Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School, Springfield, MA
  • Restoration and Design Work, Wainer Woods, Westport, MA